Mobile: +91 9411210125


Who Can Join Us

Membership is open to all the advocates who are interested to make a positive difference among advocates, build advocate community and abides by the by-laws of the IAO without any discrimination of caste, religion, colour, creed subject to the approval of the Executive Body. However, the decision of the President shall be final and binding for awarding any membership.

Membership Types

EWS Membership

Rs. 251/- DONATION

Duration will be of one year and open to all the enrolled advocates with Bar Council of India and practicing.Practicing Lawyer as well as BPL Card Holders

General Membership

Rs. 551/- DONATION

Duration will be of one year and open to all the enrolled advocates with Bar Council of India and practicing.

Lifetime Membership

Rs. 5100/- DONATION

Open to all the enrolled advocates with Bar Council of India and practicing.

Honorary Membership

Rs. 11000/- DONATION

Membership will be decided by the executive body.

Establishment of organization

The International Advocate Organization will constitute an executive body of advocates from the court to the international level.

which will have lower levels =

(1) International level

(2) National level

(3) Regional Level

(4) State level

(5) Divisional Level

(6) District level

(7) Block Level / Tehsil Level

(8) Court Level

With the consent of the founder of the organization, there will be different cells of the organization.

(1) Women's Wing

(2) Youth Cell (Youth Wing)

Designations and number of positions at different levels of the Organization

Officers of the organization whose rank and number of posts will be as follows:-

(1) President - 1

(2) Senior Vice President -1

(3) Vice President - Administration - 1

(4) Vice President - Justice and Law - 1

(5) Vice President - Finance. - 1

(6) Vice President - Organization -1

(7) Vice President - Publicity -1

(8) Treasurer - 1

(9) Co-Treasurer - 2

(10) Chief Legal Adviser - 1

(11) Legal Adviser - 5

(12) General Secretary - Administration - 1

(13) General Secretary - Justice and Law - 1

(14) General Secretary - Finance - 1

(15) General Secretary - Organization - 1

(16) General Secretary - Publicity - 1

(17) Secretary - Administration - 1

(18) Secretary - Justice and Law - 1

(19) Secretary - Finance - 1

(20) Secretary - Organization - 1

(21) Secretary Publicity - 1

(22) Convenor - 1

(23) Co-Convener - 5

(24) Incharge - 1

(25) Co-incharge - 5

(26) Spokeperson - 5

(27) Chief Media Incharge - 1

(28) Media Incharge - 5

(29) Chief Advisor - Information Technology - 1

(30) Consultant - Information Technology - 5

(31) Executive member - 11

Note:The number of office bearers of the above post may increase or decrease at different levels and at different times.

Documents Required for Membership

(1) Aadhaar Card Copy.

(2) State Bar Council Certificate and ID Card.

(3) Passport Size Photo in Proper Court Uniform

All the payments can be made through

  1. Bank Transfer: Account No: 2204000106203411
        Code : PUNB0656200
        Account Name : International Advocate Organization
        Bank Name : Punjab National Bank, G.T. Road, Aligarh
  2. G-Pay to …………
  3. Phone Pay to ………

Membership Terms & Conditions

We the advocates are part of highly respected profession and we are designated in side the court room as “Learned Advocate” and out side the court room as “Respected Advocate” which every one our advocates must remember.

  1. All the members of International Advocate Organization must respect each other all the times. None of the IAO members should indulge in any kind of discrimination, abuse, insult, dis-respect other members of IAO.
  2. Members of International Advocate Organization should not mis-use their position / designation / or being part of IAO.
  3. Members of International Advocate Organization should strictly follow the guidelines and by-laws all the times.
  4. Members of International Advocate Organization should not involve in any kind of illegal activity and uphold the dignity to be part of the IAO.